Sunday, March 25, 2012

Eating Right- What exactly to EAT???

This post is a continuation of my previous, and this is my second post of my blog. I'll get down to the specifics and tell you exactly when to eat, what to eat, and how much to eat. It is very important to note all these things especially if you want to lose weight/ be fit / be healthy! Do note that these food taste just as great as all you junk food and stuff, so before you leave my blog continue reading! You'll be surprised at how beneficial some food can be, and how tasty certain food you have NEVER even tried in your life will taste great!

Edamame (Japanese Green Soya Beans)
So how much food to eat??? 
Well technically for adults (above 21), an average calorie of 2000 per day is needed. For females, this may differ, maybe about 1500 calories/ day. On days when women have their period, they should eat more to replace the lost in nutrition during menstruation period. On the other hand, it also depends on your activity level, the more active you are, the more food you need, the less active you are the less you should eat to maintain your weight.

In simple math, if we eat more calories than we need, we will gradually gain weight, and if we eat less calories than we need, we will lose weight. Simple math, even a 1st grader would know this!

Of course, you must be thinking i am insane because we dont usually calculate our calorie intake, we SIMPLY EAT! Yes, we just eat mindlessly. Of course i am not asking you bring a calculator with you everywhere you go and eat, and calculate how many slices of cucumber brings about how many calories, how many calories are there in a tomatoes...etc etc. OF COURSE NOT! But listen, i will soon tell you the secret as to how much food you should eat!

Since young, we were taught and trained to eat 3 meals a day, yes 3 mega huge meals a day(well thats what an asian like me are traditionally brought up like). So as a kid born into an asian family, rice is my main staple food, and i usually eat 3 huge meals a day. It is usually rice accompanied by vegetable, meat(chicken, fish, beef), soup. However, i soon realised that is not very good for me. YES, all of you who are eating like me, PLEASE STOP!!!! You will now know why asian's way of eating is relatively bad compared to the westerners.

I recommened that all of us should be eating 5 meals a day! But wait a moment! It's 5 SMALL meals a day. For atheletes, bodybuilders or anyone who is very active in the day, 6 small meals a day should do. What is considered small may be big for everyone. So a standard way to measure this is to know that once you feel slightly full, stop eating! Do not eat to the point where you are so full, that you feel bloated, you feel like vomiting, or you feel like you cant breathe, or when you start burping uncontrollably etc etc. I think you know what i mean , this happens a lot when you go out with your friend to have a feast/ or buffet and you stuff all the food and gorge it down in seconds! Madness, its crazy how we can eat like a monsters! THAT IS BAD! That is my eating habit last time, but ever since, i have changed.

According to a medical expert, a standard small meal is measured with a plate with 3-inch radius, and when you feel up the plate with food, it should not be over 2 inch high. I know this must sound like 'WHAT' in your mind, but never mind. Forget about this if this is too troublesome. Just remember, have 5 small meals a day instead of the conventional 3 big meals/day, and know when you feel slightly full, STOP EATING!

When to eat???
So you must be thinking. 5 small meals a day. 24 hours a day. How do i do that?
It's simple. Eat every 2-3 hours a day. Trust me, after eating a small meal, you will definitely get hungry after 2-3 hours. If you hire a personal trainer in a gym, this is what they will tell you . Definitely! Because i have been told before, and ever since, i have changed my eating habit. In fact, many people who goes to the gym and want to look good physically are doing the same. The reason behind this is beacuse when you eat more frequently, it will help to increase your metabolism rate as each time you eat, you will signal your body to use energy for fuel. Therefore in viewpoint, these are timings of the day you should be eating your 5 small emals.

Meal no 1: 0800
Meal no 2: 1100
Meal no 3: 1400
Meal no 4: 1700
Meal no 5: 1900

For people having 6 small meals, you can squeeze another small meal into the schedule by eating every 2-2.5 hours.

How is eating small meals throughout the day beneficial for me?

Well, eating small emals throughout the day will ensure that you will not be overeating/undereating. Regardless of your size, whether you are obese, as skinny as a stick,or whether you are a muscular bodybuilder, eating small meals ensure that your metabolism in at bay, and that any excess fat can be eliminated easily. For those who are overweight and looking into losing weight, eating small meals will ensure that your metabolism is increased and it will be easier for the body to burn fat. Afterall, the main reason behind fat people being fat is because many of them are overeating, right?

What to eat?
Now the big question comes. What to eat? Sorry. Wait.Lets talk about what NOT TO EAT! There are plenty!

Not to be eaten(regularly) : Oily food, fried food, rice, noodle, desserts, cakes, pastries, puffs, junks, chips, fast food, food high in fat., etc etc


The list goes on, i bet you dont need me to feed you with all the list. I know you know what i mean. These food have been repeatedly told by school, media, parents, that they are bad for you but many people seem to care less. For an asian reading this, you may be like 'WHaatatt...? I cant eat rice and noodle? Are you kidding me?'  YES, the reason being, many of us are eating food that already have carbohydrate content. Even the vegetable, beans, meat you eat have some small content of carbohydrate in them , so technically you DONT need additional carbohydrate food in your meal like rice and noodle, as they will only put more weight on your body. If you notice westerners in general, they dont eat rice and noodle in their home countries, and that is the reason why westerners have very differing bodies compared to asians.

TO BE CONSUMED (regularly) : Beans, vegetable, fruits(berries are great), meat sources of protein, fruit juices, sweet potatoes(replacement of rice/potatoes/noodles), plenty of water (2 litres throughout the day), tuna/sardine, milk, nuts etc

There are many other great healthy food out there in the market, just be intelligent and be critical when choosing them; look at their food content label!

I will show you a recommened list of meals you can have during the day! These food are not only healthy and good for you, but they are tasty as well! Who says healthy food have to taste bad?

Meal no 1:
A glass of milk + a glass of orange juice with                                     

option 1: 3 slices of tuna sandwhich
option 2: 2 slices of sweet potatoes with 2 boiled eggs
option 3: a bowl of oats with berries

Meal no 2:

Grilled Salmon with vegetables
option 1: 300g grilled salmon with some carrots, brocolli , green peas             
option 2: a can of tuna whites with cottage cheese, spinach, cauliflower
option 3: a can of sardine with mixed vegetables, cucumber, diced tomatoes

Meal no 3: 

option 1: 4 boiled egg whites with mixed nuts, asparagus, green peas
option 2: 250g lean boiled chicken breast meat with cabbage, diced pineapples, almonds
option 3: 250g grilled fish with herbs, cauliflower, spinach, cashew nuts

Meal no 4:

option 1: 250g grilled beef with brocolli, spinach, cottage cheese
option 2: a can of salmon with edamame soya beans, spinach, brocolli
option 3: 4 egg whites with diced tomatoes, cottage cheese, cauliflower

Meal no 5:
A glass of milk with

option 1: apple sticks with a glass of fruit punch
option 2: fruit salad made from apples, orange, pear, watermelon
option 3: vegetable salad made from cabagge, cashew nuts, mini tomatoes, carrots, berries

Fruit Salad
Sorry if i repeat some of the item like brocollli, as i feel it is still the best vegetable among others. If you notice for the meals i listed, there is usually a source of protein food, coupled with vegetables (sources of fibre), and nuts and berries etc. You dont have to comply to every single detail here, so long you know you need to have protein, fibre, calcium, iron, magnesium, carbohydrate, and the usual important minerals and vitamins. I am sure you know what i mean.

NOTE: Of course, stop smoking, and drinking! You know it is bad! Please stop! No point eating all these healthy food if you are still trying to destroy your own body! 

I know this is a REALLY long post. Anyway, feel free to comment. i will really appreciate it! Thanks for reading! Check out the eBooks which i find really useful in changing my eating lifestyle into one that is healthy and will benefit YOU in all ways! Trust me! A healthy being starts from what you eat!

Stop that cravings

Healthy Eating

Recipe menu secrets

Real food Real fat loss

Day to day diet 30 days program


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