Sunday, May 6, 2012

Managing Stress- A Guide To A Better Life

We know we live in the 21st century. Almost everyone, regardless of the young and old, we all have busy schedules everyday and many of us are so stressed up in what we do, that we neglect our health and well-being. Stress, as it may seem, is somewhat insignificant, until it gets to the point where it is bothering you mentally and physically, or comes to worst, develop into anxiety and depression! FRET NOT! I will now talk about some of the causes of stress, what you can do you help yourself, and the importance of managing your stress level to the minimum. Trust me! If you think stressing yourself would make the situation better, IT WONT! Many people however fail to think about that!

Causes of Stress
1. School

There is no deniable that students are now facing much more stress compared to the students in the past. Perhaps because it is becoming more competitive in schools to get good grades to enter the top University, or maybe students today are facing increasing pressure from highly demanding parents to do well academically. Not only that, there is Co-curriculum activities to handle after school hour, some even have numerous tuition classes to make matters worse. Today's children are just so stressful!


Just like students, many working adults are facing increasing pressure from work. There is the tight schedule date lines, having to meet your boss demanding expectations, having to work over-time, climbing up the workforce ladder to get promoted etc. It can be very competitive sometimes at work! Not only that, people stress to make ends meet, to earn enough money for the family.

3. Placing high expectations

Also, sometimes stress does not come from the situation you are facing, but it is mre to do with how you think. If you keep thinking negatively and stress yourself out, even when the situation does not seem to be that stressful, it will not do any good to your health too! It is all in the mind!  People tend to place too high expectations on them, like if they want to be a sportsman, but didnt make the cut to be one, they will then stress themself and blame themself for being not good enough. But sometimes you got think it in a more positive approach, instead of thinking negatively about a situation.

4. Money

There's is a famous saying like 'money makes the world go round'. But i would more like 'Money make people stress'. If you were to boil all causes of stress into a single main cause, it would be money. Think about it. Why would someone stress about his/her work? Because he/she wants to get promoted to get a good salary. Why would a student want to work hard for exams? Because he/she wants to get to a good University so that he/she can enter the workforce to get a high pay. Everything that we do boils down to money, that is why i say money causes stress, and make people go crazy, literally!

Importance of Managing Stress
1. A Youthful You

It has been studied that if you have a less stressful life compared to someone, you will look younger. It could probably be because you tend to frown lesser if you have lesser stress, but generally, someone stress out a lot will affect their hormonal level and causes rapid ageing.

2. Live Longer

It has been said, an active lifestyle and stress management can help you live longer than you would imagine. In fact, many people who stress about work and life so often, tend to develop illnesses like cancer, heart diseases, stroke. Dont believe me? Look around you, i am sure you know of people who have cancer, who dies after working busy and didnt have much time to enjoy life. I have seen my aunt, working all day and night, and end up developing cancer as she was not taking care of herself.

3. Live Happier

Some say happiness cannot be bought, that is exactly true. No matter how rich you are, you cannot buy happiness. But you can create happiness for yourself. Stress can rapidly decline your happiness level, and when that happens, your quality of life is affected. Many people have said to me, 'Live life to the fullest, just be HAPPY'. To an extent, that is true. Why do you want to stress yourself in the course o the pursuit of wealth and fortune, when you stress yourself and make yourself feel miserable? Do you want to die sad and miserable, leaving behind tons of fortunes that you did not manage to use in your life?

4. Positive Aura

Do you notice that people who seem more positive and optimistic tend to attract more friends and people around them. Perhaps they seem more approacheble, or they are more friendly. But let me tell you, having less stress can help to make yourself look positive and happy, ans this will give you a more positive disposition, and create this outer positive aura around yourself. Maybe, you will have more friends, as you will seem more approacheable.

Ways To Manage Stress

1. Yoga

Yoga is one of those exercises that helps to relieve stress and soothes the mental state. Many working adults tend to go for such classes, because it will not only help them mentally, but by going for Yoga classes, psychologically, you are telling yourself that your stress level can decline and cen be managed.

2. Exercise

Exercise has been known to help manage stress. In fact when you exercise, it relieses endorphins, and make you feel good about your body and yourself. It is like killing 2 birds with one stone, being fit and less stressful!

3. Think Positive!

Regardless of what you have done, or what you have accomplished, it is important to always think positive and look at the brighter side of things. There is no point thinking about failure, and the negativity that comes with all these. Life is too short to be gloomy and resentful the whole time. Give yourself a pat on the shoulder no matter how bad you have done in your exams etc. Stressing about something that you cannot change anymore will only make your feel more miserable!

4.Lower your expectations!

If you are always thinking about success, and how you can be successful, it is fine. But always remember that failure shouldnt make you feel bad, or disppointed. Being not successful is alright! Many people stress themselves if they didnt get good grades in school, didnt become successful and rich. But let me ask you a question. Does it matter? There are millions out there who are not as smart, not as successful and not as rich, but still able to live a happy fulfilling life! If you too stress about your life now, maybe you should do some adjusments to your expectations, and find a comfortable face to move on!

5. It's All In The Mind!

When it comes to stress, it is all in the mind! The way you think can certainly affect whether you want the stress to decline or to increase. If you find youself stressing too much about something, change you thought about something positive and that can make you happy and smile!Sometimes, thinking constantly about something negative, will not help in anyway to alleviate the stress level! Remember, it is all in the mind! Whats the point of stressing too much in life? Right?

Here are some of the most resourceful materials to help cope with stress level and management! Get them! Dont waste money going to counsellors, or psychiatrist, as they will all tell you exactly what is in these links. Why spend thousands of dollars for such counselling? If you are stressing about life now, my advise is to STOP! Ask youself a question, 'what's the point of stressing about them?' Afterall, life is not about success, money, fame, salary, etc. Right?

Conquer Stress, depression and anxiety!

Spiritual meditation

Stress Elimination Strategies

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