Friday, April 6, 2012

Perfect Smile- Tips to get those clean perfectly healthy white set of teeth you've always fancied

Well, ever seen pictures of glamorous celebrities splashed across headlines and tabloids; their smile beeming with so much zest and life! The secret lies in their teeth! Imagine you see someone's picture in the magazine smiling- their teeth yellowish from the stains of food they eat, their teeth crooked and have holes in them, brownish from all the smoking...Well i dont have to describe further. You know what i mean. So a question begs to be asked here, since i already have a pretty disastrous set of teeth, how do i correct them, and flaunt that beautiful smile i've got? Here's some tricks you need to know to have that perfect smile back. These are the tricks celebrities use to maintain that clean good image! Cheers! Read on!

Tip 1: Stop Smoking!

Yes, if you are a smoker, stop! In reality, smoking can make your teeth looks yellowish and brown, plus your mouth will stink! Those ads on the smoking package are somewhat real, do not think the government is trying to over-exxagerate these smoking effects! Why not save that money you spend on cigarettes and get yourself some food, or some luxurious holiday packages. Its more worth it! It dawned upon me too, ' why are people paying money to get their own health destroyed'. Isnt that funny?

Tip 2: Brush Your Teeth 4 times a day!

I know many of us usually brush our teeth twice daily, one before sleep and one in the morning when we get up from bed! But if you brush your teeth 4 times a day, it ensures that your teeth is cleansed regularly thus preventing the accumulation of dirt stains and germs that could potentially be destroying your teeth, and making it look bad. So what i usually do is brush 4 times a day; one in the morning, one after lunch, one after evening dinner and the last brush before i go to bed. My teeth maintains its cleaness and freshness, preventing any stains that can make it look bad!
                                                                                                    Tip 3: Using A Whitening Toothpaste!

Well, this is needless to say. I am sure everyone wants a clean white set of teeth! Use a whitening toothpaste! There are many out there being sold in the market. You've got to find the ones with ingredients that can really whiten those teeth! Do not just jump to the conclusion and get a toothpaste that promotes 'WHITENS TEETH' on the packaging as some of these are just marketing strategies to get your money! You should look out for ingredients like calcium peroxide and sodium bicarbonate that can help whiten your teeth! 

Tip 4: Gargle With Water!

Well, you tell me you aint got time to brush your teeth. The least you should do is to gargle your mouth with water often throughout the day. This is especially important and crucial after a heavy meal, or after consuming food that could potentially stain your teeth.These are a list of them.

14 foods that could deter you from having a great smile
1. Black Coffee
2. Tea
3. Red Wine
4. Cola
5. Cranberry Juice
6. Popsicles/ Slushies
7. Soy Sauce
8. Balsamic Vinegar
9. Tomato/Chillie sauce
10. Blueberries
11. Beets
12. Curries
13. Chocolate
14. Artificially Coloured Sweets/Candies

Tip 5: Use Dental Floss

A dental floss is important to remove food stucked in between yoru teeth, especially if you have squeezly packed teeths! Having food stuck in between your teeth not only feels comfortable, but it can destroy your teeth and eventually create holes for the nearby teeth. Don't be too forceful or you could make your gums bleed, Move the floss in a C shape around each tooth. Never floss before you brush your teeth. Scientific study shows that brushing your teeth before you floss reduces the amount of bacteria that is pushed into the gums while flossing. Use a floss once a day, before you sleep.

Tip 6: Baking Soda!

Many people would be surprised to know how effective baking soda is really to whiten teeth. If you go to youtube and check some of the videos, there are testimonials and real people who have successfully gotten those perfect white set of teeth after using baking soda to brush their teeth after a couple of weeks. Just apply a little of it on your toothpaste and brush your teeth gently. Just make sure you are not using it on a long term basis, as it may scrub off your gum eventually. 

Tip 7: Brush Your TOUNGE

You may not know this but your tounge is one of the most common areas in your body that accumulates a lot of germs. Well, you eat everyday and all the food will go through your mouth/tounge evantually. Brushing your tounge can help neutralize them and get rid of those bacteria and germs on them. Also, you may not know this. The reason why some people have bad breath is also becuase of the germs found on their tounge. So brush your tounge while brushing your teeth! You will not only smell good after that, but you will feel fresher! Use a tounge scraper if you need.

Tip 8:  Avoid Sugary Food

A kid is often advised not too eat too many sweets if not their teeth will turn bad! This applies to the adults as well. If you are not watching what you eat now, probably by the time you turn 50 or 60, you may have to get an artificial transplant tooth. Many of my older relatives are already doing that because they didnt take care of the food they eat when they are younger. When your teeth gets eroded over time, there is no way you can save them back unless you go for surgery or use an artificial teeth to chew your food.  Also, when you go to the grocery store to get your food, always read the labels. Some food has hidden sugar content!

Tip 9: Regular Dentist Appointment!

I know how much people hate going to see teh dentist! I hate that too when i was younger! I was always terrified that i have to get my tooth extracted! Just the thought of it sends trills down my spine! BUT you need to have that appointment every 6 months because you may think they are fine, but in reality they may not be. Thats the least you should do. You need to maintain that regular check-up to make sure your teeth is fine! What do i mean by fine? Well to ensure there are no holes, crooked teeth, or any other flaws. Its better to get them done earlier, as if you delay, the process to correct those flaws will be longer. If you've got a crooked teeth and you need braces, just get them. If you are experiencing pain due to your wisdom tooth, take them out. I once had a wisdon tooth, and food was accumulatin at the back of my teeth. It got so bad that bacteria was forming, my mouth smelt bad, and i was in pain! Moreover, the good thing about dentist appointment is that you can ask them to help to 'clean' your teeth. They will help you remove stains and dirt, polish your teeth and make them look like a brand 'new' set of teeth! Isnt that wonderful! It feels amazing after each dentist session after that 'cleaning' procedure.

Tip 10: Tooth Whitening Procedure/ Cosmetic Surgery

There are many dentristry that provides such service now since its growing demand. If you really want a white set of teeth, you may approach your dentist. This procedure may just be a temporary measure, you still have to maintain your teeth healthily and regularly brush your teeth. It may be costly too. some people prefer the natural way by brushing using baking soda etc, its just up to your own choice. If you have the cash, why not! Some people also go under the knife to correct their teeth and to make it look perfect! Nothing wrong with it, its just up to individual choice.

Tip 11: Nutrition Is Half The Battle!

Maintaing a good set of teeth should NOT just be about what you do with your teeth, but also with what you concume that could eventually affect those set of teeth! Eating right is important to maintain a set of healthy white teeth! You need between 10-20mg of calcium each day in your diet! Milk, cheese and supplements can help meet these requirements. Eating healthily and right, avoiding sugary food!

To Finish Off- Using Antiseptic mouthwash like Listerine. This will freshen your mouth and give you that fragrant smell when you open your mouth. It adds to your boost of confidence when you smile!

Here some eBook guides you must have to know those tricks and tips to a perfect looking healthy set of teeth! Get them now for a low price!

Teeth Whitening Secrets Revealed

Cure Tooth Decay (an easy guide)

Cure for Bruxism

Teeth Grinding Guide

The Cure For Bad Breath


  1. “These are the tricks celebrities use to maintain that clean good image!” - Uhmm, not really or at least, not all of them. Well, I've seen a lot of celebrities who sport pearly whites, yet are also known for being a chain smoker. Not to mention the amount of tea, coffee, and wine they consume in their lifestyle. So, I have to disagree with you. Some of these celebrities are beaming with white teeth because they can afford the bleaching treatment, and not because they're religiously following a strict dental hygiene. Clinton @

  2. I love your post. It's nice to know all these simple tips that will help you maintain your pearly white teeth. However, I have to agree with Clinton. They're able to do so because they have the resources, but for those who can't, they can strictly follow these hygiene tips that you shared. :)

    Gilberto Nunez @ Troy Family Dental

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